28th of April 2023, marked the end of Term 1 2023 for our AGAPE STAR CHRISTIAN SCHOOL. 

We thank and appreciate the Almighty God who enabled us to close successfully. We also convey our gratitude to all of you our supporters/donors and parents for the support and cooperation rendered to us during the term.  This has been our first term in existence. We successfully registered 158 pupils and recorded 142 towards the end of the term. 

There has been a tremendous improvement in learners’ work. This has all been due to a committed, dedicated and competent staff team which goes a milestone in offering the best guidance to our pupils. 

All pupils went back home with the following documents; a copy of a circular letter, and a progress report BOOKLET showing Term 1 2023 Results and a Holiday Package.

We gave a copy of a holiday package to each learner to help them keep busy with more of academic programmes during holidays.  

We have also continued to be strict and observant towards the discipline of our pupils. Our Programmes cover a wide range of activities aimed at bringing up “a holistic child” For at Agape, we touch lives forever. We are determined to offer a better service and safety of our Children. 

We appreciate you all our friends, supporters, scholarship donors, parents, and for all who offered support to enable the school run its Programs and enable pupils’ learning schedule uninterrupted. 

Thank you so much!


Steven Wamala Founder and CEO