I am Steven Wamala, the vision bearer and founder of Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation.

In 2021, we were able through your support and prayers, to purchase the first piece of land – for the foundation’s community school that is yet to have its construction begin in April 2022. 

The land purchased ($ 3500 USD) was an acre which is equivalent to a full football pitch, and there remained about 6 acres that gives us a chance to have an extension so we can have enough space for carrying out some side income-generating projects to sustain our school once it starts in 2023.

One of the long-term projects we came up with; is the planting of Eucalyptus trees and a Banana plantation. Individual eucalyptus provides an array of food resources (e.g., foliage, seeds, nectar, sap) for animals, while shelter, refuge, and breeding sites for many species are associated with the physical structures of eucalypts (e.g., dense foliage, bark crevices, hollows) and fallen material (logs, leaf litter).

Our target is after an extension we can use the place to plant trees – for timber sales and we can have Phase 1 of the school (5 classrooms) and the other area of land use for trees – to help build finance to sustain Phase 1 and start Phase 2 of the construction (another 5 classrooms). We can also have a banana plantation for feeding the school and staff plus – doing some sales.

We are seeking your continued kind support in reaching and achieving this milestone – hopefully before April when our school construction will be starting.

We NEED $2500 USD to clear the next extension of land. This can be paid once or in installments upon making agreements with seller.

The cost of planting about 1000 eucalyptus trees and start-up maintenance is $500 USD which can be availed at once upon making land clearances or this can come after acquiring our land.

Thank you so much, for your generosity and kindness!

We love you. Blessings!!

Wamala Steven