Over the months of early November, 2020 (from 7th) and heading into early March (7th March 2021 when the official dedication shall be done), the foundation and its team members have been working tirelessly on establishing its offices, business center, training room and a shade cloth for Katunda Mighty Deborah business activities. This has been a huge undertaking for our supporters, donors and friends. The sign posts, business cards, toilets and furniture among other things have already been worked on at the offices and now handling the final stages on setting up the office and other rooms. Thank you Mighty Deborahs, church family and friends.

In early November children were gifted with bibles, bible devotions and faith literature materials. Thank you St. James Anglican Church in Kununurra for the donation. Children have been strongly nurtured and grown in their faith in God.  Among other programs, is the Courage Program 2020 that greatly aroused children’s interests in taking part in a number of activities and doing a number of lessons on the lives of Deborah, Esther, Jonah and Joshua.

At the end of the Courage program 2020, were various mini concerts. It was great joy and happiness seeing children fully engaging in each of the program’s activities and having them express their God given talents. A big thank you to Director –Mama Queen for organising and coordinating support for all the activities.  A big thank you to Lisa and Rachael for sparing their little time in training the little angels.  A thank you to our children for always abiding by our arrangements, and to the relatives, parents, guardians and caretakers for responsibly making sure that children always attended every activity. A set of T-shirts and Trousers were purchased for use by the BLCDF DREAM STAR DANCE TROUPE TEAMS that participated in the December mini concerts. We are so grateful for the financial support towards running all these activities.

Alongside the concerts, activities was a thanksgiving for ending the programs year successfully. Children were very glad and a few of them received Christmas packages. The small challenge was in managing children in one place, in big numbers and without enjoying any form of food and drinks.

In mid-January, we were able to receive the first box of knits and goodies from our great friends in NZ. Thank you Sue Beadle for coordinating the knitting club in NZ.  A set of 3 of the Education packages was distributed and marked. Assessments for all sets are ready and children will have a simple ceremony (at the end of February) as they will be rewarded report cards and special certificates will be given to the best performers in each class level.

Discussions among the foundation team members are underway concerning starting a community school, purchase of sewing machines for the KPAOG DWIBC tailoring project, having sponsorships slots for each of the BLCDF children and the Old Mamas mini group projects among others. Chickens will be purchased and given to the first set of ladies and other activities will soon start.

Thanks be to God! The purchase of the motorbike, and establishing offices have been one of the greatest blessings we attained in 2020. The bike has always been used in coordinating various activities amongst families of children, mighty Deborahs, old mamas, singles mothers and caretakers. It has helped in distributing education packages, and other children care programs.

We praise God for all the wonderful work that has been progressing all through. Please pray for our children that they may get to learn, grow and build in the Lord Jesus Christ. PRAY that they may go further in all that glorifies God!

And please, continue praying with and for us as this work progresses.

God is in control.

Thank you. Blessings!

Steven Wamala, BLCDF Founder