It has been a whirlwind year, but an incredible one nonetheless! At the beginning of February 2024 our team of teachers got to school and started on what was yet a long academic year – which is almost coming to an end as of this October. 

Our team of friends have always been a great pillar in this big call. We have an outstanding team consisting of our Australian Co-founder (Mama Queen), a New Zealand-based Board member (Mama Sue), and our Australian-based Marketing Manager and Board member (Mama Nic) at BLCDF. These board members have consistently stood with us and lived out God’s call for Barnabas Legacy Children’s Dream Foundation in their lives.

We are currently planning a field visit in 2025. The visitors from Australia and New Zealand will come to the school to assist with building two secondary school classrooms, among other activities. These volunteers have a wide range of experience in building, plus women’s and children’s projects, which will allow us to accomplish a tremendous amount of work during their visit, proposed for August 2025. Please stand with us in prayer for this field visit and consider coming. We are also excited that Mama Sue and her husband Mike (Papa Mike) from New Zealand will be coming to visit in late May 2025.  

Helping children with basic needs and school fees with personalised attention allows them to grow and develop while remaining with either a relative/guardian or parent/caretaker – in their homes and in the care of their families. Now as they struggle with the discrepancy that there isn’t a solid secondary school in their area, they are forced to send their older children away to schools very far – in Jinja and Kampala; and sometimes end up missing secondary school for the rest of their lives. Thus, there is a need for a quality Agape Star Christian Secondary School close to our Agape Star Christian Nursery and Primary School and also close to their homes. We want to create the two school campuses (which will be side by side) as places of peace, emphasising the abundance of God’s provision and care.

As a team, it is always extremely hard to turn ideas into reality. But we trust in God, who provides for every vision He gives. We don’t settle for less—His love compels us!

We have seen God use different donors/supporters throughout the year. Over 30 children have so far been able to receive a scholarship through the foundation’s school, Agape Star Christian School. Women have gained sewing, baking and farming skills. Penelope, one of the ladies, can now look after her family financially – because of what she earns from the business shop that the foundation established. So many things are being achieved positively, and it has all been possible because you are living out God’s call on your hearts for this ministry. Thank you for your generosity. 

Together, we make a lasting difference!

“You did not choose me, but I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce fruit and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give you.” (John 15:16)


Wamala Steven
Founder BLCDF 
DWIB Katunda Chapter Coordinator 
Co-Principal ASCS