As we get into the second quarter of the 2024 year, we not only celebrate God for the many good things He has done for the foundation and the school on its first anniversary since it started last year; but also embrace a profound celebration of legacy, with the honour for how far the Lord Our God has brought us. 

Our celebration in the Lord encapsulates the essence of our journey as a family. We remain steadfast in our belief that we are called to continue the good works, just as Apostle Paul encouraged the believers. Our journey is one of endurance, as we strive to make a positive impact in whatever we start. Our stand is affirmed by the scripture: “that God is faithful and will not forget the work and love we have shown Him in helping His people” – (His Children, His women).

We have had a very good term 1 with no injuries or serious problems. We have continued and we shall continue standing strong by His power. With exactly 200 school children, we have successfully been able to feed them all through the term. We thank God for this, and all the provisions through you – our friends and partners. We express deep gratitude for the teachers who work wholeheartedly. Their performance and heartfelt interaction with all our children help them realise their different gifts. 

Our legacy is not just about the few years we’ve spent but the lives we’ve touched (and those we will continue to touch) and the impact we’ve made (and we will continue to make). We are challenged all the more, to invest in the children’s lives – through the school. We are currently focusing on the dormitories for both girls and boys and are still asking for your support! We launch Project Dorm next term.

The establishment of AGAPE STAR CHRISTIAN SCHOOL based in Namatovu village, was not just a milestone in time but a chapter in the ongoing legacy we are building. We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed (and still contributes) to the success of the structures, furniture, compound, etc. and look forward to the continued journey of faith, unity, and generational impact. May God’s grace and anointing continue to flow from one generation to another as we stand united in our commitment to run the race and leave a lasting legacy for His glory!


Wamala Steven

Founder BLCDF